PENNDOT & McCormick Taylor's Claim that Byberry Road's CSX Bridge
is Structurally Deficient (and Must Be Replaced) is a Scare Tactic
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It All Starts with the CSX Bridge on Byberry Road
3-Ton weight limit currently prohibits additional truck traffic from entering Somerton & vicinity. If PENNDOT replaces the bridge the weight limit would be removed & trucks would flow into Somerton
Only vehicles under 3-tons can cross the bridge. Under PENNDOT's plan, this would become a tractor-trailer truck route.

Click photo to view
conditions at the Woodhaven Expressway Terminus

This bridge is known as a Bradley Bridge which has a life span of 60 years. It can withstand vehicles which exceed the posted 3-Ton weight limit - and is not structurally deficient.

PENNDOT claims this bridge is deficient in order to create the belief that this bridge is unsafe, with the hope that residents will demant it be replaced in fear of their safety.

PENNDOT wants to replace this bridge in order to build the new extension, in order to connect Hornig Road to that new extension - in order to create a new east-west truck route into Somerton. That's the real plan.

PENNDOT diagram shows street connections to New Parkway which will provide new truck access for Industrial Park adjacent to Woodhaven Expressway Terminus Areas into Somerton
1) CSX Bridge would be replaced in order to permit truck traffic to travel into Somerton
2) Bennett Industrial Park connector road -- Horning Road --- will provide connection between industrial park and the new Extension to allow truck access
3) Signal at Evans Street and Byberry Road will be improved --- why won't PENNDOT improve the timing now?
4) Signal at Route 1 and Byberry Road will be improved --- why won't PENNDOT improve the timing now?
5) Sewell Road, Stevens Road, Northeaset Avenue & Worthington Road will be connected to the Extension